

No More Therapy Or Pills For Your DARK Thoughts

Making the dark thoughts vanish from your mind is a lot easier than you think but it does takes practice

First off, a dark thought is any thought that makes you feel poorly, badly or uncomfortable in any way. A thought becomes a dark thought the moment you become afraid of it or fear it in any way.

When you are afraid of a thought, you resist it (fight/argue with it) and in resisting it, it becomes a dark thought. Once it becomes a dark thought, it begins the process of becoming stronger and more powerful in your life until at some point you are no longer in charge of the dark thought, the dark thought is in charge of you.

I don't know if many people are seriously interested in making their dark thoughts go away so I will not take up space here going into detail about the many ways to make dark thoughts vanish from your life naturally.

I will however, in the comment section, answer every question you have about transforming your dark thoughts into ones that make you feel lighter, brighter and more positive than you ever thought possible regardless of the circumstances that currently surround you.

-- Frederick Zappone

FYI: If you are a do-it-yourself and want to vanish your dark thoughts naturally without posting your questions here, check out the 'One Magnificent Thought' (OMT) self-help program by clicking here


  1. i am trying to get rid of my dark thoughts by embracing them. it is difficult though. i'm not quite sure if what i'm doing is actually embracing them. do you have any tips or exercises?
    thank you!

  2. If you can tell me what type of thoughts you are having difficulty embracing, I can give you some tips on how to embrace them. Are you doing the breathing exercise mentioned in the "Quickest Way Out Of Negative Thinking" Article?

    Do you have some kind of favorite body movement you like to do. A body movement that contradicts a negative thought will dissolve it. For example, 'conscious walking' where your attention is more on your walking than the thoughts you are thinking helps dissolve negative thoughts?

    Dissolving dark thoughts takes practice so go easy on yourself and reward yourself as you make progress. You didn't learn to think dark thoughts over night and you won't dissolve them all over night. Over time, though, you will become a master at dissolving any and all dark thoughts.

    If you have follow up questions, please feel free to post them because your joy and happiness in life is as important to me as my own...

  3. I will also add because we are part of the 'collective consciousness of humankind' many dark thoughts that float into our heads are not our dark thoughts at all, they belong to someone else and we happen to pick up on them.

    Practice allowing dark thoughts to harmlessly pass you by like clouds in the sky and they will. You allow a dark thought to pass you by, by noticing it, observing it, witnessing it and it will, with a little time, pass completely out of your mind.

    If you entertain the dark thought in your mind by thinking about it, it will remain in your mind until you allow it to leave. One of the quickest way to allow a dark thought to leave is by changing your focus to a thought or a memory that makes you feel really good and when the really good thought becomes more important to you than the dark thought, the dark thought will go POOF.

  4. my dark thoughts involve harm coming to my loved ones.

    i am trying the breathing excercises and enjoying them!

  5. my dark thoughts usually involve something bad that 'might' happen. i try and ignore these thoughts and think of something good that 'might' happen instead. but it doesn't always work - because i can get obsessive.

  6. Fran and Djh,

    The fear of harm coming to your loved ones or something bad might happen is feed by the media stories that feed on bad things happening.

    Invite your fear in, not as your enemy, but as a benevolent teacher in disguise. What these fears teach us is that we don't have the kind of control over the action others that we would like to have.

    Fran, use your fears as an ALERT Signal, as a BUZZER, a BEll to shift your thinking away from harm might happen to your loved ones to your loved ones are God's children and he protects them always and in all ways. Use that positive thought or any other positive thought that works for you..

    Djh, use your fear of something bad might happen as an ALERT signal to start thinking something good might happen and then begin imagining what good that could be.

    FEAR IS ALWAYS AN ALERT SIGNAL to shift your thinking away from thoughts that scares you to thoughts that inspire you.

    You can't stop the fear thoughts from showing up when they do but you can use them as a wake up call to shift your thinking away from thoughts that scares you to thoughts that bring you happiness and joy.

    If you have more questions, feel free to ask.


  7. FY: We try to ignore thoughts because they makes us feel uncomfortable or scare us. Ignoring is resisting and that is what makes thoughts grow stronger.

    One of the things that helps when you have thoughts that scare you is to admit to yourself you are scared. Admitting to yourself how a negative thought makes you feel is the first step in dissolving negative thoughts naturally.

    In truth, it is not the thought that bothers you so much as it is how the thought makes you feel. By admitting how the thought makes you feel, you are allowing the thought to harmlessly pass out of your system like a baby passes gas.


  8. the times when i have negative thoughts tend to be right before sleep. when i can banish these thoughts and think of something good instead i sleep better of course :)
