

World Peace Begins With Inner Peace

Granted, world peace sounds like a great idea but even the people who want it, don't have it within themselves. And without peace within ourselves, it is not possible for peace in the world to become our shared reality.

And then there are people who PROFIT from conflict and war. War or even the threat of war is big business and very profitable. On a personal level, individuals are buying guns and ammunition more today than ever before out of fear. The greatest fear people have is that someone will take their weapons away from them. A person having a weapon in their home speaks louder about their fears toward other people than all of their peaceful intentions.

As long as people live in fear of others who think and act differently than they do rather than living in harmony and cooperation with them, we will never have peace in this world. While peace sounds like a good idea, peace in this world will never become reality until people have more reasons to live in peace with one another than they have to live in conflict with one another. All peace begins with the individual and until the individual has the ability to live in peace with himself, there is very little chance he can live in peace with others.

Inner conflict always manifests itself in outer conflicts and until we have world leaders who are at peace with themselves, we won't have a world where world peace is our shared reality. And last but not least, world peace won't become our shared reality until we get over being afraid of our own thoughts and feelings towards others that prevent us from fully embracing our brothers and sisters who look, think and act differently than we do.

May we all learn how to harmonize our differences with one
another rather than destroying those differences. AMEN


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