

This Cure for Depression WORKED for me.

If you suffer from depression, contrary to what many people believe, it is not a chemical imbalance that causes your depression. It is your depressing thoughts that cause you to have the chemical imbalance.

Study after study has proven that when we think negative thoughts those thoughts adversely affect the chemistry of our body putting us into a feeling bad state of mind.

Depression is not some complicated problem many folks make it out to be. Depression is a result of the thoughts and feelings you habitually depress.

When you are experiencing depression, ask yourself which thoughts and feelings you are depressing.

The moment you discover which thoughts and feelings you are depressing and start fully expressing them through either the verbal or written word, your depression will lift.

When every known pill and treatment for depression failed me, the method I just described, with a little practice, made depression disappear from my life altogether. It worked for me, it may work for you too!

- Frederick Zappone

Stop Depressing Yourself, Start

Fully Expressing Yourself, Click Here

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