

The One Magnificent Thought really is MAGNIFICIENT!

I just received your One Magnificent Thought (OMT) and I am really excited about it. I have been reading a lot on the law of attraction lately, and I believe that your
OMT will pull all of that knowledge together. Do you believe that your OMT works together nicely with other teachings on the law of attraction (Abraham-Hicks, The Secret, etc.)? Sincerely, Justin S.

ANSWER: Justin, I absolutely do.... You are correct about the
OMT. The OMT pulls together all the 'law of attraction' knowledge that is out there. The law of attraction works best when you stay in the present moment mentally. In addition, do not judge yourself for any weaknesses or shortcoming you may have. If you do judge yourself, release those judgments immediately by blessing them. When you bless a judgment you are asking the 'Universe' to turn a weakness into a strength for you. I should know, I have had many weaknesses the 'Universe' turned into strengths because I blessed them when they showed up in my life...

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