


You do know that blaming others (or yourself) robs 
you of your personal power. There is no power
in blaming, only a loss of power.


  1. This for some reason caught my attention I felt so many of us could relate...I certainly can say Im guilty of this many times in my life. An wish to free myself from the energy it takes from me.:)

  2. Anonymous, thank you for commenting.

    Blaming others at one time in our lives was appropriate. That is when we were small defenseless children and had to rely on other people for our every need. When our needs weren't being met, crying, whining, bellyaching, complaining ( a child's way of blaming others) got the attention of the adults in our life to meet our needs.

    While blame is a useful tool for a child as a way to survive, it is not a useful tool for those of us, as adults, who want to move beyond survival and thrive and prosper beyond our wildest dreams.

    For me, the moment I feel like blaming myself or another that is an ALERT signal that I am about to give my power away. By re-framing blame and putting it into the context as an 'ALERT signal" for myself, this has stopped me from giving my power away to anyone. I must admit now that I no longer give my power away to others, I experience more mental and emotional freedom in my life than I ever thought possible.

  3. I absolutely agree with you.

    Thanks for sharing my friend.
    Keep up the good work!
