


The truth is not always pretty, sometimes it is downright ugly. This could be one of those times for you: In order to manifest what you want into your physical reality it is important that you 'mentally release the want from your mind.' If you don't do that, you will go through life always 'wanting' and never having what you want.


  1. You are so right Frederick. A little hard to do, but makes a huge amount of sense. Go after the love of... not the want of.... so to speak.
    Thanks my dear friend.

  2. Eaxctly, when you do what you love to do, it creates good feelings that attract good things to you. On the other hand, if going after what you want is causing bad feelings in you, it is literally pushing away from you what you want. When you go after the love, dreams always come true, most times, better than how we had hoped they would turn out.
