

The MAGICAL Power of Surrender


If you are a spiritual person, surrender is the KEY to everything you have ever wanted out of life.  It doesn't matter if it is love, health or money or something else you want, surrender is the quickest way to obtain what your heart desires.

Do you think the God of the universe would plant a desire in your heart for something and then not make a way possible for you to have it?  Of course not. God's 'will' for you is to have what you want or something better and that is where surrender comes into play in making sure your 'wants' becomes your reality.

The God of your understanding is just waiting to give you everything you have ever wanted faster and more efficiently than you have ever imagined possible and all you have to do is SURRENDER.

In this case, we are not talking about surrender as in defeat. We are talking about surrender as in 'giving UP' whatever troubles, upsets or worries you to your higher power (God, Source Energy, Organizing Intelligence of the Universe, Universal Intelligence, etc.)

Once you give UP what troubles you, once you let go of it, release it to your higher power (HP), your HP will either guide you to what you want or bring it into your life with no effort at all. 

The problem most people have with surrender is that it means giving up control and trusting in a power, greater than themselves, that they cannot see, taste, touch or feel.

By the way, how is that 'control thing' working out for you?  If you are like most people, the more you work at controlling things, the more things control you and eventually everything you try to control is stripped away from you.

Control is the opposite of what the God of the universe wants his people to have, which is FREEDOM. The freedom to be you, the freedom to create, the freedom to fulfill your destiny and the freedom to see your dreams come true effortlessly. All of these things you will experience once you surrender all that troubles you to the higher part of your personality known as God...

I'm I let the Universe Do it For me...


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