1. If you use the history of your past to determine your future, you will repeat your history in the future over and over again.
2. Often times the universe doesn't give you the relationship you want until you know you are loved without it. Once you know that, the relationship you want shows up in your life naturally.
3. Whatever you focus your attention on expands. That why when you focus on the pimple on your face, it becomes the size of a boulder.
4. Entertaining a negative thought is like drinking a cup of poison believing it is good for you.
5. If you leave your negative thoughts and feelings alone, they will leave you alone.
6. The moment you argue with a negative thought is the moment it becomes stronger than your most powerful positive thought.
7. It is not possible to win an argument with your own negative thoughts. Arguing with them only makes them grow stronger and gain more power over you.
8. Arguing with negative thoughts gives them their strength and power and makes them become more real to you.
9. How you choose to see yourself is the reality you create for yourself.
10. Feeling bad is not normal. It is an addictive habit of thought that people have come to accept as normal. All feeling bad will get you is feeling worse. And feeling bad will make a bad situation worse.
Antidote to feeling bad. Feel what you feel intensely, really get into feeling bad. This action on our part will burn negative feelings right out of your body setting you free to move on...
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