

Dissolving Pain without Drugs or Pills.

Pain is not a bad thing. In fact, it is a good thing. Pain is a communication from your body to your mind. The pain is telling you that something isn't right about your life and because something isn't right, your body is using pain as a way to get your attention.  The pain you feel is an 'intelligent communication' from your body to your mind carrying messages of guidance and advice, that once understood, will cause the physical or emotional pain in your body to dissolve naturally.

Here is the problem, if you feel disconnected from your pain, you can't communicate with it.  In order to make your pain dissolve without pills or drugs you have to feel connected to it.  Feeling separate from your pain causes your pain to get worse rather than better.

If you are afraid of pain, you won't be connected it in a way that you can understand the benevolent messages of guidance and advice your pain is sending your way.   As long as you see pain as your enemy, you will be disconnected from it and never understand its benevolent communication to you. As a result, your body will increase the pain you feel as a way to get your attention and if  your pain doesn't get your attention, it will cause you to die before your time.

Giving up all judgments that pain is a bad thing will allow you to connect with your pain in a way that you can understand the messages of guidance and advice your pain is sending your way. Once you understand those messages, your pain, emotional or physical will disappear from your life as if by magic.  

Understanding how your body talks to you and what it is telling you can increase your levels of health and energy dramatically.  To receive free daily insights into how your body talks to you fill in the form below.

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