

The Best of a Tweeter Named: Release NOW


1. Accepting what I have gives me power while being troubled or worried about what I don't have robs me of my power.

2. Letting go is about letting go of 'thoughts and feelings' that rob me of my power so I can regain my power..

3. I focus my energy on what I have control and power over and those people and situations I do not have control or power over, I let go...

4. Letting go of boredom allows my creativity to kick in while resisting boredom throws me into the pit of emptiness and despair.

5. At the end of the day I sit down and write out my daily 'LET GO' list. Letting go before I sleep allows me to wake up energetic and refreshed.

6. When yesterday is over I 'let go' of yesterday's memories too so this day, today, is always fresh and new to me.

7. You may display great strength by holding on to someone you love that hurts you but 'letting go' of that person is the courageous thing to do.

8. Suffering is temporary but replaying your suffering over and over again in your mind, make suffering permanent for you.

9. When you 'let go' of your pain, your pain let's go of you. Pain is caused by struggle, give up the struggle and pain stops.

10. Funny thing about thoughts, you can't see, touch or taste a thought but they sure can weigh you down if you let them..

11. I'm discovering the more I let go of crap, the easier life becomes for me and the more time I have to do things that feel good to me.

12. The thought that my best isn't good enough provokes great anxiety in me. I now let that self defeating thought go... Bye. bye.....

13. Life is burdensome when I hold onto bad news. That why I let go of my programmed habit of watching the evening news. I sleep better too.

14. Have you noticed the good people are getting better and the bad people are getting worse. That's because good people are letting go of bad stuff


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