

I witnessed a Murder

Two years ago this May, I watched a neighbor of mine murdered in cold blood across the street from where I lived. It would have never happened if forgiveness lived in the killer's heart. Scared people kill, hurt people kill. Forgiveness dissolves the scared feelings and makes the hurt go away and that's why I radically support PROJECT FORGIVE.  It is time to show scared, hurt people there is an alternative to healing the emotional wounds they carry inside them that cause them to senselessly kill the loved ones of others. 

The killer kicked the door down and went upstairs and started firing at my neighbor. My neighbor went out onto the porch roof as the killer continued to shoot at him. My neighbor fell off the roof to the left and landed on the ground. At that point he was still alive. The gunman came out of the house went over to where my neighbor was lying and shot him in the heart. The killer then coldly walked across the street got into his truck and drove away. Later on in the day we found out the killer went back to his home, called the police and turned himself in..  I believe my neighbor would be alive today if the gunman knew of the healing power found in the power of forgiveness that removes all desire to do harm to another.  And that's why I support PROJECT FORGIVE as a way of solving problems between people.

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