

The Real Reason People Love SEX. (Rated PG)

Yes, it is true, sex is fun and pleasurable but that's not the real reason people love sex. The real reason is sex produces immense feelings of safety, wellbeing-ness and oneness. When two people are in physical harmony with one another, they are also in mental, emotional and spiritual harmony and that creates feelings of unbridled joy and bliss that is hard to duplicate by any other means. We have our priorities screwed up. We should wrap the words 'dirty and shame' around war and not sex.  If we did that, this world would then become a place where living a heaven on earth would be easy to achieve.  Hooray for SEX!! 

Support Project FORGIVE by forgiving your sex partners 
for not loving you with the kindness and tenderness you 
richly deserve, Click Here to watch video 

P. S. This is not a video about sex, it is a video about forgiveness
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