

Tribute to Chickens ( A story that will touch your soul)

Gin, is a friend of mine... She raises chickens and sells the eggs. She loves chickens. 
She loves all living things, small and large, and no one can tell this moving story 
about chickens better than she can. - Frederick Zappone

I bought some older birds about two years ago. I didn't know how old they were when I got them. But, I still felt compelled to get them... Well, evidently they were quite old, and the chicken farmer saw me coming. :)

I do believe all happens for the greater good, so the opportunity to be with these chickens gave me time to be with some really good layer birds and they taught me what they wanted and needed; making me a much better Chicken Mommy for future birds.

Well, my morning was greeted with an old hen who's been 'passing away' for the last week. This morning, she was sitting on the floor of the coop, leaning over. Her journey here is almost over. 

While they are making the transition, I talk to them daily, petting them, and reassure them that they always have a home here. I make sure to thank them for feeding our family and tell them, "it's OK to go".

Do I cry? Oh yes; every time... Even more so when another of their coop mates sit along side of them as they go; which they frequently do. I've never had any of my birds peck at another who's on the way out. Usually, they just go sit with them or hang around close by.

I lifted the passing hen and put her in the "safe spot". Others can come see her, but she's at least out of the walking paths......Life is odd... It is beautiful..  - Gin

A Breath of  FRESH AIR: New Thought

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