

It Takes Courage to be Grateful. Let me explain:


The Gratitude Practice is definitely not for WIMPS or COWARDS.   The reason I say that is because the first thing that happens the moment you sincerely begin the gratitude practice is that you will discover all the areas of your life where you are truly an ungrateful son of a bitch.   This discovery will shock you, embarrassed you, even make you feel ashamed.  That's why I said the gratitude practice is not for wimps and cowards.


The good news is the moment you become aware of the areas of your life where you are not grateful, the lack of gratitude in those areas of your life begins to dissolve naturally.. In place of ungrateful feelings, you will experience such powerful feelings of gratitude that your life will immediately shift from one where your mind is filled with worry, stressful and anxious thoughts to a mind that is filled with thoughts of love, appreciation, power, peace and strength. 

This shift in thinking happens automatically once you get into the 'attitude of gratitude' habit. And the things you have been struggling to bring into your life such as love, more money, better health will start showing up in your life with no effort at all. Can you imagine that, can you imagine a worry free life?  

Can you imagine a life free of anxiety, depression, and fear?  The gratitude practice will give you that life.... Sign up now for your FREE daily messages on how to make gratitude work in your life with no effort at all. You can cancel you free subscription to my daily gratitude messages anytime you want by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of  your daily messages. To begin receiving your 'Attracting Abundance Through Gratitude' Daily messages fill in the form below. - Frederick Zappone

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