

Happiness Made Me WEALTHY

Every time you can't do what you want to do or can't buy what you want to buy, the lack of money becomes very apparent to you..

Hello, my name is Frederick Zappone. In my own life, before I was able to make all the money I wanted with no effort at all, money controlled me rather than me controlling money. I was a victim of money before I became its master. I became a victim of money because I bought the BIG LIE that money was power and I was not.

This 'big lie' caused me to have some very strong self-defeating beliefs about money. As a result of having unconscious self-defeating belief about money, I was a money disaster before I became a money master, I went bankrupt twice.

I spent years struggling to make money and the harder I worked at making money, the less money I made until finally I was hardly making any money at all. For the longest time, when it came to creating wealth, I thought I was the dumbest white man who ever lived.

I was at the end of my rope, without hope. I was in a state of despair when, like a thunderbolt out of the blue, the universe slapped me up side the head with an earth shaking 'money secret' that totally transformed my relationship with money.

My relationship changed from one of incredible effort and struggle around money to one of no effort at all and INCREDIBLE financial results that, often times, defied all my logical explanations.

Making money, in abundance, with no effort at all, has truly been a MAGICAL experience for me. I am talking about 'real life' magic here, magic you can understand that will work for you. If you have been struggling to make money, what I have to share with you will change all of that for you.

If what you did in the past to make money always ended up in failure for you, what I have to share with you will bring an end to your financial failures, forever. If you are sick and tired of money worries, my 'Money Secret' will end those worries for you, once and for all. If you are fed up with not having enough money or are tired of always finding yourself scrambling to make more money, my 'Money Secret' contains the answers you have been seeking.

My 'secret' takes the worry out of the money-making process. It is the easiest way to make honest money without having to work hard for it. That doesn't mean you won't have to take action to make the money you want because you will. it just means what you do for money will feel more like play than struggle.

In my Money Secret Program I share with you everything I know about making money, in abundance, with no effort at all

My 'money secret' can be used by people working for others or working for themselves. It doesn't matter what your occupation or profession is, my money secret will work for you. My Secret is simple to understand. However if you are stuck believing that making money, in abundance, is hard to do, the application of my 'money secret' can be a bit tricky for you.

Because I know my secret can be tricky for some people to apply to their own life, along with 'my secret' you will receive a copy of my Money Secret Coaching file. This file was written to make sure 'My Secret' works as easily for you as it does for me.

Making money is easy to do but if you believe it is hard to do, for you it will be because whatever you believe always comes true for you, especially around money

My Money Program provides you with the attitudes and beliefs you need to have the most powerful, satisfying and worry-free relationship with money you can have.

My Money Secret Program Is Available By Donation

I have made my program available by donation so that anyone who is truly interested in developing the right attitudes and beliefs about money will be able to afford it..

After you receive my program if you need me to clarify something you read so you can make my 'money secret' work as well for you as it does for me, write me. I have included my email address with the program. To download your copy of my 'money secret' program now, click the donate button below.


Frederick Zappone's Money Secret Program + Free Money Coaching PDF file

Suggested Donation $50.00

This works on the Honor system If you have less, donate less. I trust you to donate what you can truly afford. - Frederick Zappone

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