

The EASY Way To Hear GOD Talking To You.

We can't see or touch God but we can unmistakably feel him. We can feel his presence and energy coursing through our veins. When we are feeling good, we are feeling God being one with us.

The better you feel, the closer to God you are, the worse you feel, the further away from God you are.  All thoughts that make you feel good are from God, the rest are not. 

Fighting with or resisting thoughts that make you feel negative in any way push you away from your 'energetic' connection to God.   

God's advice on maintaining a connection to him is to ALLOW all negative thoughts and feelings to harmlessly pass you by like clouds in the sky. If you do that, they will. This takes practice but it is worth it.

Arguing with or having conversations with your negative thoughts or feelings allows those negative thoughts and feelings to cut you off from your connection to the God of your understanding .

The God of your understanding is constantly sending you trustworthy messages of guidance and advice so you can create a 'heaven on earth' for yourself in spite of the nonsense going on in the world outside of you. Your spiritual birthright is to feel your connection to God all the time and when you are feeling good, you are feeling that connection.

When you are feeling good God's messages of guidance and advice spontaneously appear in your mind out of thin air.  God's messages will appear in your mind on a regular basis as long as you remember all thoughts that make you feel good are from God, the rest are not. 

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