

A Conversation That Changed A Man's Life

This is a conversation I had with a man who was struggling to achieve his goals without any degree of success. - Frederick Zappone

HIM: I am not happy with putting so much effort into achieving my goals and not getting any results. In fact putting all of this time and energy into it and not getting any results has made me very unhappy.

ME: What did you learn from that?

HIM: I am stupid, I am a failure. 

ME:  It doesn't mean those things at all. It mean 'effort and struggle' to get what you want doesn't work for you.

HIM: What does get results?

ME: Eliminate 'effort and struggle' from your work.

HIM:  I can't eliminate those things from my work. I believe that I have to struggle and effort even more to get what I want.

ME: What are you working so hard to achieve?

HIM: Money, lots of money.

ME: So you think it takes hard work to make lots of money?

HIM: Yes, of course, only if you work hard do you make lots of money

ME:  How has pursuing and chasing money worked out for you?

HIM: Not well, not well at all.

ME:  You attract money, you don't pursue it.

HIM:  Attracting money sounds like bullshit to me.

ME:  Do you care if it's 'bullshit' if  attracting money works for you?

HIM:  If it works for me, I don't care if it's bullshit or not.  I only care that something works for me because what I am doing now certainly isn't working for me.

ME:  I understand. 

(I then gave him a link to read my ideas about attracting money)

FOOTNOTE:  After reading my page about attracting money, the man acted on my bullshit ideas and went from being to stupid to being RICH (his words, not mine) in four months. 

I can't promise you if you read my bullshit ideas about attracting money that you will get the same results as this man did but you definitely will be more prosperous tomorrow than you are today.

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