I am the laziest person on the planet. If I can't do something the easy way, including losing weight, I don't do it at all. The lazy man's way to weight loss is through a technique I call 'conscious eating.' When you eat consciously it is not a chore or a sacrifice of any kind, it is a fun filled adventure of good eating and good living.
Conscious eating changes everything. The most important thing it does is that it changes your relationship with food from a love/hate relationship to an unconditional love relationship.
There is nothing you cannot eat. There is no need to experience deprivation of any kind or use your weight as an unconscious form of 'self-protection' when you are into conscious eating.
Conscious eating allows you to realize there are no good foods or bad foods, only good and bad attitudes about different foods.
Conscious eaters understand that the only thing that make foods good or bad for them is their 'beliefs and attitudes' about the food they eat.. That's why some people can eat anything and never gain weight while other people can gain weight just by looking at food.
There is nothing you cannot eat. There is no need to experience deprivation of any kind or use your weight as an unconscious form of 'self-protection' when you are into conscious eating.
Conscious eating allows you to realize there are no good foods or bad foods, only good and bad attitudes about different foods.
Conscious eaters understand that the only thing that make foods good or bad for them is their 'beliefs and attitudes' about the food they eat.. That's why some people can eat anything and never gain weight while other people can gain weight just by looking at food.
People blame many things for being overweight. They blame stress, anxiety, worry, relationship problems, financial problems. The problem is those are not the real reasons people gain weight. The real reasons people gain weight is because they eat unconsciously. In other words, thoughtlessly or without conscious thought.
Nothing puts weight on faster and keeps it on longer than eating unconsciously. Conscious eating is not dieting because dieting is about deprivation and deprivation always makes people lose their will to diet.. Conscious eating, on the other hand, is about treating your body with the love it deserves by becoming fully conscious of the foods you eat.
1. You eat out of choice rather than an unconscious habit.
2. You eat or drink anything you want without guilt.
3. All of your foods will taste better to you.
4. Eating becomes your new form of mindful meditation.
5. You will not feel 'food deprived' in any way.
6. You can eat the snacks and desserts of your choice
7. More energy, improved health.
8. Increased self-esteem and self-worth.
9. Never again have to worry about your weight.
Conscious eating is not something your parents taught you or something you learned in school. Conscious eating is a self-taught skill. Losing weight effortlessly and without feeling deprived in any way is easy to do when you become a conscious eater and eat thoughtfully.
Losing weight is not so much about the type of foods you eat but how much you eat. Studies show that 'unconscious eaters' consume three to four times the amount of food and drink that conscious eaters, eat and drink. Being overweight is not because people have no will power, it is because no one ever showed them how they can eat and drink whatever they like, and lose weight, as long as they do it consciously.
As as a conscious eater myself, I lost 55 lbs. and kept it off because I quit eating thoughtlessly and began eating consciously.
Successfully Yours,
Nothing puts weight on faster and keeps it on longer than eating unconsciously. Conscious eating is not dieting because dieting is about deprivation and deprivation always makes people lose their will to diet.. Conscious eating, on the other hand, is about treating your body with the love it deserves by becoming fully conscious of the foods you eat.
1. You eat out of choice rather than an unconscious habit.
2. You eat or drink anything you want without guilt.
3. All of your foods will taste better to you.
4. Eating becomes your new form of mindful meditation.
5. You will not feel 'food deprived' in any way.
6. You can eat the snacks and desserts of your choice
7. More energy, improved health.
8. Increased self-esteem and self-worth.
9. Never again have to worry about your weight.
Conscious eating is not something your parents taught you or something you learned in school. Conscious eating is a self-taught skill. Losing weight effortlessly and without feeling deprived in any way is easy to do when you become a conscious eater and eat thoughtfully.
Losing weight is not so much about the type of foods you eat but how much you eat. Studies show that 'unconscious eaters' consume three to four times the amount of food and drink that conscious eaters, eat and drink. Being overweight is not because people have no will power, it is because no one ever showed them how they can eat and drink whatever they like, and lose weight, as long as they do it consciously.
As as a conscious eater myself, I lost 55 lbs. and kept it off because I quit eating thoughtlessly and began eating consciously.
Successfully Yours,