

Getting the LOVE you need, Your way...

It is easy to get the love you need when you are aware of what actions by other people make you feel most loved.  This may sound strange to you but for myself I feel most loved when people give me money. They can give me money as a gift or give me money in exchanges for one of my inspirational books or programs. In either case, each and every time I received money I feel loved. Feeling love when receiving money is something I learned as a child. My Dad loved me very much, I intutively knew it. The problem was he could not say I love you or express love to me emotionally. The way my Dad expressed his love to me was by giving me money. As a child I learned to associate receiving money to mean the same thing as receiving love... Even to this day, when I receive money in any form, I light up like a Child on Christmas morning...

The Different Ways People Feel LOVED

For other people they feel loved when people spend time with them or when people do things for them. For many people the only way they feel love is when they have physical contact with a person. That could range from holding hands to sexual intimacy. The way each person feels the most loved is different for all of us. 

Discover the way you feel most loved. This is important to do because once you know exactly how you feel most loved, you are more likely to attract that kind of love to you...

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