

How to Avoid Being SEDUCED By Your Fears

As long as you are an unwitting (unconscious, thoughtless) slave to your fear thoughts, you will never be able to thrive and prosper.  

The sole purpose of fear thoughts is to make sure you survive but those thoughts do not exist to help you thrive and prosper.

Fears thoughts are always designed to make sure you play it safe and never take chances or risks.  Fear thoughts make you feel bad.

Fear thoughts feel real because your feeling are real. That being said just because your fear thoughts 'feel real' that does not mean they are telling you the truth about what you can be, do, or accomplish.  

Fear thoughts makes you feel less than the magnificent, powerful person you truly are..  Fear thoughts makes you live a small life. They make you shut yourself down, hold yourself back.  They stop you from acting on your inspired ideas and seeing them come true. The very worst thing 'fear thoughts' do to you is STOP you from being a full blown you. 

Fear controls you by flooding your mind with an abundance of thoughts that you are not worthy or deserving of what you want.... Those thoughts are LIES come from the liar living between your ears. No thought that makes you feel bad is ever the truth about you.

Until you become the master of your fear thoughts, fear thoughts will be your master and stop you dead in your track from creating the life, that deep down, you always knew you could have.

The first step to becoming the master of your fear thoughts is to become aware of all the ways your fear thoughts run and/or control your life.  As long as you are unaware of how fear thoughts are controlling your life, you cannot become there master.

If you have questions about mastering your fear thoughts, post them in the comment section and I will answer them for you.


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