

I'm not for Democrats or Republicans, I'm For the People

If I could wave a magic wand I would have leaders in office who put the people they represent first and their political and leadership needs second.  When I talk about the people, I am not talking about some of the people or a privileged few, I am talking about all the people.

The differences people have are not political in nature or are they based on race. They are based on love and fear. Love includes, fear excludes. Love seeks unity, fear seeks separation. Love seek cooperation, fear seeks conflict. Love seek understanding, fear seeks confusion and pain. Love feels good, fear does not.

When the majority of people begin making all of their decisions, in life, based on love rather than fear that is when we will have a world that works for everyone with no one left out. 

I  made my choice, have you made yours? 

Frederick Zappone

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