

Taking Back all of your POWER you have unwittingly (thoughtlessly, unconsciously) given away to other people.

Until you love yourself sufficiently people will always have things that you need. Once you love yourself sufficiently, that will eliminate you 'needing' anything from anyone for any reason.


Need means you can't survive without it, Want mean you don't need it to survive but it would be nice to have it

When you 'need something' that means you are needy and dependent on others. When you 'want something' that means you are dependent on yourself, that you are whole and complete.

People have things 'you want' but they have nothing you need. If people have nothing 'you need' they have no power over you. They have no power to control your thinking and/or behavior in any way, 

For example, there is nothing you have that I need from you. I don't need your appreciation, approval, gratitude, thanks, or money for all the insights and wisdom I share with you free of charge.  And because I don't, you have no power to control me or stop me from being me.

I would like to have your appreciation, gratitude and donations for all that I share with you free or charge but I don't NEED them to survive. And because I don't need them to survive, I am totally free to be me. And that freedom is absolutely priceless to me.

Frederick Zappone

Receiving a $5.00 donation, unexpectedly from you, in support of my blog writings are always gratefully appreciated by me.. 

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