

Telling 'Your Truth' Will Cure Your DEPRESSION

Telling your truth will make you feel lighter and brighter and more powerful than you ever thought possible while lying or hiding your truth will make you feel heavier, darker, somber and depressed.  

We lie or conceal our truth because we are afraid. This fear keeps us small, it keeps us from showing up in the world as the brilliant, magnificent, powerful creatures we truly are.  

Telling 'your truth' will set you free to fully be you.

Concealing 'your truth' will keep you permanently depressed.

Your truth can be a weapon to hurt others or a tool to heal others.  The truth is not always pretty, something the truth is downright ugly. Just because it is that is no reason not to share your truth with others. 

There is always a way to share your truth with others, no matter how ugly it is, in a way that will inspire and empower people rather than discourage them or leave them feel defeated in some way.


The way you can always know if you are telling yourself the truth about anything in your life is how you feel.  If you feel negative in any way, you are lying to yourself. If you are telling yourself the truth, you will  feel lighter and brighter. If you want to become a POWERFUL person in this world, learn how to share your truth with others under all circumstances


I was chronically depressed for 25 years before telling my truth CURED me of depression.  I did therapy and pills and nothing cured my depression until I became brave enough to tell my truth no matter what and never allow anyone to talk me out of telling my truth. 

If anyone tells you depression can't be cured, they are lying to you for their own selfish, self-centered interests.

If you have questions about how telling your truth will cure you of your DEPRESSION post your questions in the comment section and I will answer your questions for you.


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