

You have a SLAVE MASTER living in Your Head

You have a 'slave master' living in your head. It's that critical, judgmental  voice living between your ears that is always pushing you to do more, try harder. It has convinced you that doing more and trying harder is the honorable thing to do when, in truth, it is one of the most abusive things you can do to yourself. 

You see when you 'do more' there is never any end to doing more because the SLAVE MASTER, living in your head, will always serve up more for you to do.  The same is true with trying harder. No matter how hard you try, that 'voice in your head' will convince you over and over again that you are not trying hard enough. 

It is time you stood up to the Slave Master, that Critical Voice living in your heard and tell it off.  

The Slave Master in my head is dead but before I made it disappear from my my life, I had to tell it off a few times. I had to show it who was boss.  In the past, when I felt my 'slave master' pressuring me to do more or try harder, I would kindly say the following words to it.  

Thank you for sharing and fuck you for caring. 

My short response shut down the 'Critical Voice' real quick.

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