

The Dark Side of the GRATITUDE practice. (Explained)

Gratitude is wonderful and it works but it does have a dark side to it. As you practice gratitude, you will have those periods of time where you are not feeling grateful at all. In fact, you will have those times where you experience being very ungrateful. Along with being ungrateful you can experience bitterness, anger, powerlessness, hopelessness, helplessness, envy and even jealousy. This will happens if you resist the 'gratitude practice' pulling out the darkness still remaining inside of you.

Gratitude calls forth into our conscious mind any darkness left inside us so it can be dissolved by the LIGHT, of love, that lives within us.

When you feel darkness coming up inside yourself while 'practicing gratitude' don't resist it and don't make yourself wrong for experiencing it. Instead accept the darkness you are thinking and feeling in your present moments of living. If you do that, the dark thoughts and feelings inside of you will dissolve naturally and pass out of you as quickly as they entered you. However if you resist them or make yourself wrong for having dark thoughts and feelings, they will persist. They will not only persist, they will grow stronger and have more power over you. Only by accepting your 'dark thoughts and feelings' will they dissolve naturally. You don't have to like your dark thoughts and feelings to accept them, you only have to accept them for them to dissolve with no effort at all.

Frederick Zappone,  
Life Coach and Author of Seven Books

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