

You GOT it All Wrong..

Rejection doesn't hurt
Disappointment doesn't hurt
Unfulfilled expectations don't hurt
The experience of 'Lack' doesn't hurt
People saying NO to you doesn't hurt

What hurts is you RESISTING those things happening to you. What hurts is you 'believing' the negative things that happen to you means you won't get what you want, that's what really causes you to hurt.

The truth be told the things that happen to you that you judge to be negative are really the Universe's SHORTCUTS to getting you what you want.  The problem is because you believe what happened to you is a bad thing, you resist it and in resisting it, you delay receiving your good.

Resisting things is a ‘vibration’ that causes unwanted things to stick to you like super glue. When you live in a state of ‘allowing’ instead of resisting things, unwanted things harmlessly pass you by like clouds in the sky. In there place, the things you want begin showing up in your life with no effort at all.

For more of my cutting edge insights about the attitudes to adopt so you can get all the things you want out of life with effortless ease, buy my book titled: Love Is All I know..

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