Being angry or upset are no longer a problem for me and it shouldn't be a problem for you either. At one time those emotions were a huge problems for me. They were a problem because I blamed other people for feeling that way when they had nothing at all to do with how I felt.
Blaming other people for how I felt drained me of energy and I was left with no power to solve my anger and upset issues.
Once I quit blaming people for how I felt, I could clearly see how I was one hundred percent responsible for how I felt.
Blaming other people for how I felt drained me of energy and I was left with no power to solve my anger and upset issues.
Once I quit blaming people for how I felt, I could clearly see how I was one hundred percent responsible for how I felt.
The only time anger and upset become a problem for you and me is when we deny we are angry or upset.
Being in denial increases the intensity of our anger and upset. Being in denial gives our anger and upset more power over us.
I used to be the 'great pretender' when it came to my anger and upsets. As soon as I noticed those emotions rear there ugly head I would suppress them, squash them, deny them.
God forbid if I showed a public display of my anger and upsets. People would think I was a bad person or that something was wrong with me, Denial seemed like the only option.
The problem with denial is that it makes our anger and upset more powerful. Being in denial of one's angry and upset gives those
emotions the power to take over total control of our personality and
STRIKE out at another person when we least expect it.
The alternative I found to denying my anger and upsets was to 'feel those feelings' when I was feeling them without denying what I felt in any way. When we own up to our anger and upsets and observe them without judging them in any way, they dissolves naturally.
When we are willing to feel our anger and upset emotions without judging them, in any way, we take power away from them. The energy behind our anger and upsets then plays itself out, much like a fire will die out if we don't feed it more fuel.
When we observe our anger and upsets rather than thinking about how angry or upset we are, we quit feeding those emotions fuel (energy). Once we stop feeding them fuel they have no choice but dissolve completely. Once they dissolve we are left feeling peaceful and calm.
When we are willing to feel our anger and upset emotions without judging them, in any way, we take power away from them. The energy behind our anger and upsets then plays itself out, much like a fire will die out if we don't feed it more fuel.
When we observe our anger and upsets rather than thinking about how angry or upset we are, we quit feeding those emotions fuel (energy). Once we stop feeding them fuel they have no choice but dissolve completely. Once they dissolve we are left feeling peaceful and calm.
If you have questions about how you can
more effectively deal with your 'anger and upsets' feel free to
text me at (724) 516-4050.
Frederick Zappone,
Author, Love Is All I Know
Frederick Zappone,
Author, Love Is All I Know
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