

Feeling Bad When Things Don't Go Your Way Is Such A Waste Of Your Time and Energy. Here's How To STOP IT.

Many things in my life haven't gone my way. And when they didn't, I allowed myself to feel bad.  After a while I began questioning why I was doing that to myself because feeling bad sucked.

Feeling bad was something that was programmed into me during my growing up years without my conscious permission. After all, the people who raised me 'felt bad' when things didn't go their way so feeling bad must be the proper response when things don't work out, so I thought.  The truth be told it is not a proper response, it is a programmed response you can change any time you want.


Changing your programming so you can stop feeling bad, quickly, when things don't work out for you is EASY to do once you understand the information I am about to share with you.

Feeling bad is an ALERT SIGNAL that you are focused on and/or thinking about what you don't want and/or don't like.  It is impossible to feel bad when you are FOCUSED on what you DO want and DO like...

Feeling bad is a command from your subconscious to shift your focus and attention AWAY from what you DON'T want and DON'T like to what you DO want and DO like.

Focusing on what you don't want and don't like will make 'bad feelings' stick to you like super glue. Resisting 'bad feelings' will make you feel worse. The only solution is to use feeling bad an ALERT SIGNAL to focus your attention on those things that inspire and empower you. And to leave alone those things that drain you of energy and make you feel discouraged and defeated.  

Changing FOCUS from DON'T wants to DO wants takes practice. If you practice it often enough it will become an automatic habit of thought you don't have to think twice about. Once that happens you will be able to feel good 99% of time regardless of circumstances. 

Frederick Zappone

(To read a sample chapter, click on book cover)

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