If you have the basics in life; food, water and a roof over your head then life being hard for you is a result of your thinking, not your circumstances. No matter the circumstances, once you have your basic needs met, all else in life is icing on your cake...
Life 'just is' and it is the way we think that determines how life will be for us. If your thinking is currently making life HARD for you then the following excerpt from my book is for you.
Excerpted from the book:
How to Produce SPECTACULAR
Results with Effortless Action.
There are two ways to accomplish things in life, the EASY way and the
HARD way. The hard way of effort and struggle is vastly overrated.
In many cultures effort and struggle are glorified as a noble thing people 'must do' in order to prove their worthiness for the good things they want. If there ever was a belief that discourages and depresses people it is the belief in effort and struggle. That belief has caused many good men and women to fail at making their dreams come true because to manifest one's dreams into reality, effort and struggle are not required at all.
In many cultures effort and struggle are glorified as a noble thing people 'must do' in order to prove their worthiness for the good things they want. If there ever was a belief that discourages and depresses people it is the belief in effort and struggle. That belief has caused many good men and women to fail at making their dreams come true because to manifest one's dreams into reality, effort and struggle are not required at all.
All you have to do is look at Nature to see the amazing and beautiful things Nature produces by effortless action. A rose does not struggle to grow, it grows naturally and effortlessly as does a blade of grass, the corn in a farmer's field and a child in a mother's womb. In addition, your heart, your most vital organ, beats with effortless ease and your lungs take no effort at all to inhale and exhale the air around you.
Effortless action is as easy and as natural as breathing and produces greater results faster and more efficiently than effort and struggle ever will. My book explains everything you need to know about producing SPECTACULAR results with effortless action using the power of your thoughts, magical thoughts to be exact.
To read the first chapter of my book, click on the book cover
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