

Intuitive Impulses, HOW TO Get more of them.

Whatever you FOCUS your attention on, 
you attract more of the same. 

If you focus on the gray matter that lives between your ears (your mind) you will find yourself in a state of conflict, confusion and self-doubt more often than you want to be. However if you focus on your heart area, (place your hand over your heart to help you to focus there) you will begin experiencing intuitive impulses coming through your heart. 

These intuitive impulses are sending you messages of guidance and advice that your mind will translate into words you can understand.  

These messages from the heart are designed to make life easy for you. They are designed to allow you to solve problems, even the most difficult ones, with effortless ease. 

Like anything worthwhile, in life, it takes practice focusing on your heart and receive the benevolent messages the Universe is sending your way. Taking the time to listen to the messages coming from your heart are so worth it because you are worth it. 

Excerpted From My Forthcoming Book

(If it ain't Easy, it ain't working for me)
Copyright 2019 By Frederick Zappone
My previously published books can be previewed here 

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