

YES, it is True, People Hold Onto Fear. Why?

To feel fear for more than a short period of time you must hold onto it. Some people hold onto fear as a way to survive. These people will definitely survive but they will not thrive and prosper.   

For some people feeling fear makes them feel safe and protected in some crazy way I cannot explain.  More than anything FEAR is a habit of thought that was programmed into us early in life and reinforced in us daily by the media and well meaning friends.  

To break the habit of fear you cannot make yourself wrong for feeling fear when you do.  Embracing and accepting  fear when you are feeling it takes some of the sting out of it.  

Resisting fear makes fear persist.... 

Instead of resisting fear, observe it, BLESS it and allow it to harmlessly pass you by like clouds in the sky and it will   This method of releasing fear take practice but it is worth it because you are worth living a life free of fear's tyrannically ways of attempting to control and direct your life. 

Resisting fear blinds you to experiencing the unlimited power living within you that will allow you to create your life exactly the way you want it to be. Embracing fear takes power away from it and allows you to experience your unlimited powers that lives behind fear's shadowy wall. 

How To Tell the Difference Between REAL VS. IMAGINED Fear

If there is nothing within 6 feet of you that you are afraid of, then your fear is imagined, not real.  Imagined fears are paper dragons. They are all bark, no bite. Believing what you are feeling is real fear can prevent you from moving beyond your imagined fears.  Don't misunderstand me, your 'feelings' of fear are real because your feeling are always real but that doesn't mean the fear itself is real..

Copyright 2019 By Frederick Zappone 

My previously published books can be previewed here

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