

Only ONE thing STOPS you from having what you want.

There is no reason that you cannot have exactly what you want out of life EXCEPT for the reasons you make up in your head as to why you cannot have what you want. Your reasons for not being able to have what you want are killing you...They are causing you to suffer needlessly.  You believe in your reasons because they feel real to you.  Just because they feel real to you does not mean your reasons are valid and true. Your feelings are valid and true but your interpretations of them sucks. Any reason that makes you feel like you can't have what you want is a REASON you created in your head to stop yourself from having what you want. The moment you accept your reasons for not being able to have what you want, you will never have what you want..

Any reason you accept for not being able to have what you want is a LIE you have accepted as your truth.

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