

What's "Mind Stuff?"

Mind stuff are thoughts that make your doubt yourself or thoughts that make you believe there is something wrong with you or that you are powerless or ineffective in any way.

Your mind thrives on "Mind stuff"

If your mind can convince you that you must worry, be anxious, fearful or depressed for any reason at all, then you will be that way because you believe the LIES your mind has fed you.

There is nothing wrong with you, not one single thing but you BELIEVE there is and therein lies the problem. Whatever you believe in become self-fulfilling prophecies for you and you turn those self-fulfilling prophecies into reality for yourself.

If you believe you're unloved, you will prove that you are.
If you believe you're not smart enough, you will prove that you are.
If you believe you're powerless, you will prove that you are.
If you believe you'll never be happy, you never will be
If you believe you won't get well, you won't
If you believe you'll never have enough money, you never will.

Whatever you BELIEVE in becomes your reality, that's how powerful beliefs are. According to your thoughts so shall it be for you and it always is.... Change your thoughts and your reality will change naturally....

"All thoughts that make you feel loved, peaceful
and secure are from God and the rest are not".


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