

Six (6) Noteworthy Self-Love Insights.

The love people are most familiar with is romantic love. While romantic love is a terrific idea, it misses the mark completely. Without a genuine love of Self, all the love we seek outside of ourselves is temporary and outside of our control.

Self-Love is strong positive emotion of regard. Regard means to give careful thought or attention to. In other words, giving yourself and your wants and desires careful thought, attention and consideration.
The biggest barrier people have in regards to genuinely loving themselves is confusing self-love with selfishness. There is nothing selfish about self-love for without a deep love and appreciation of Self, it is not possible to love and appreciation all others different than ourselves.
Without self-love, it is only possible to envy others, to be jealous of others or want what others have rather than seeing we are entitled to and deserving of all the good things we want for ourselves.
People mirror us and how we see other people will tell us exactly how we see ourselves. If we distrust people, dislike them or feel disconnected from them, that is exactly how we feel about ourselves for we only see in others what lives in us.
When we love and appreciate everything about ourselves, exactly as we are, that love is reflected back to us by others and miracles begin unfolding in our lives that allow us to experience all the love, health, happiness and prosperity we desire.

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