

Neutralizing Unpleasant Conversations

If you find yourself involved in a conversation with someone that is unpleasant, rather than making the conversation more unpleasant, pause for a second, look the other person straight in the eye and as gently as you can, say these words to them

"I am not enjoying this conversation."

After saying these words, pause and wait for the other person to speak. Their first reaction will be one of muffled amazement because chances are no one ever said that to them before.

There first question to you in response to your words will be asking you why you are not enjoying the conversation with them.

Tell them why and as a result of telling them why you not enjoying the conversation, they will work real hard to make the conversation with you as enjoyable as possible.

As an example, I had a conversation with a lawyer the other day about my elderly parents financial affairs. The conversation was becoming very unpleasant for me because the lawyer was speaking too fast and using words I did not understand. Finally, after he paused for a moment, I said as softly and as gently as I could:

"I am not enjoying this conversation."

The lawyer's eyes opened wide and for a moment he was speechless and then he asked me why I wasn't enjoying the conversation. I told him why.

I told him I was spending my money for his services and that he was talking to fast and I didn't understand much of what he was telling me.

I told him when I spend my money on anything I expect to receive enjoyment in return and if he was not willing to make this conversation enjoyable for me, I would find another attorney who would.

From that moment on the attorney bent over backward making sure I enjoyed the conversation with him and I did...

Simple words and simple truths,
spoken kindly, change everything
for the better, instantly..


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