

I give and give and give...

QUESTION: I give and give and give and I never receive
back nearly as much as I give to others. What am I doing wrong?

ANSWER: Did you ever occur to you that you are so busy giving that you never take the time to receive. Give less and receive more is my motto. When giving 'feels bad' to you that is when you know it is time to stop giving and open yourself to receiving and you will receive.. It is easiest to receive when you are in a relaxed state of mind doing activities that nurture you and make you feel loved...and while you are doing that, the universe, working behind the scenes of your life, will start giving to you in so many ways that it will move you to tears and take your breath away.

Your relentless giving is based on the fear that if you stop giving you will never receive. And because you are afraid of never receiving you don't stop giving long enough to allow the universe or anyone else for that matter to give back to you multiplied what you give to others... Go play... and let the universe balance the scales of 'giving and receiving' justice for you and it will.

Free is Price LESS

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