

Making Anger and Bitterness Work For You.

While many folks will judge people who are angry and bitter as negative people, I judge them as honest people. People don't feel anger and bitterness unless they have a reason to feel that way.

Have you ever felt anger and bitterness? If you have that means your sense of justice has been violated. There is nothing wrong with feeling that way.

The question is, what are you going to do with your feelings of anger and bitterness? Are you going to go postal and shoot and kill people who aren't responsible for your 'pissed off' state of mind in the first place? People do that you know... Or are you going to man up and be responsible for your feelings of anger and bitterness and use those emotions in a healthy and constructive way....

That's what I am doing, I feel anger and bitterness. I have felt it for quite sometimes but I have denied it. Why have I denied it? Because I think I am better than that. Well it doesn't matter if I think I am better than my feelings of anger and bitterness, I feel them.

Why do I feel them? I feel them because I know how much I have given to other people in regards to my wisdom, time and talent and money and I know how little I have received back from people. The scales of my personal justice system are unbalanced and as a result I have made the decision that I will no longer take care of the people who don't take care of me.

Is that the right thing to do? It is if I don't want to remain a victim of other people's ingratitude. Now that I have owned up to my feeling of anger and bitterness, I have regained my power over them. Regaining power over feelings I dislike allows me to change how I feel by changing my thoughts. And since I don't like the bad feelings anger and bitterness provoke in me, I will make a list of the people I am grateful for rather than focusing my energy and attention on those people who have displayed ingratitude toward me.

"Feeling GOOD is a the result of FOCUSING your attention on what you DO want while leaving what you don't want alone"

"Putting other people first all the time will put you back at the end of the line"

"If you don't take care of the people who take care of you, if you take them for granted, when you least expect it, they will leave you"

"Taking from people, friends and strangers alike, all the time without giving good things back to them will result in the universe removing those good people from your life"


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