

Problems, Problems!! There is one Answer!



It doesn't matter if your problems are related to money, relationships, love or health, there is one answer. And that answer is FEELING connected to the 'God of your understanding' in very real and tangible ways.  The connection I am talking about is not pretend or a make believe one.  It is a very real connection that is as real as your arm being connected to your body. 

The connection of your arm to your body is so seamless that without looking you would have a hard time determining where you body ends and your arm begins. Your arm and body are connected to one another in a very real way just as you are connected to the God of your understanding in very real way that you can experience directly, for yourself, if you want.

The reason many people do not experience their connection to God (Source Energy) in real ways is because of a lot of misinformation they received about God over the years. When you experience your connection to God (the organizing intelligence of the universe) in 'real ways' all of your problems begin to melt away, from your life, as if by magic. Experiencing your connection to God illuminates your mind with trustworthy insights, answers, guidance and solutions to whatever is ailing you. And those answers, insights and solutions come to you without effort or struggle.


Often times, the name we use for God has so much baggage attached to it that this baggage (misinformation) prevents us from experiencing our connection to God as being real to us as we experience our arm being real to us. If the name you use for God is stopping you from experiencing in very real ways your connection to God, come up with a name that works for you. A name that is baggage free and allows you to experience God being as real to you as the nose on your face.


How to know when you are connected to the God of your Understanding.

1. You feel warm and protected, inside and out. You feel safe.

2. You feel a sense of happiness, joy, satisfaction and contentment regardless of your circumstances.

2. When thinking about your faults or shortcomings you only experience love, forgiveness and understanding. You never experience guilt, shame or blame.

3. Unhappy and mean spirited people no longer rob you of your peace of mind.

4. You remember it is God, the Source energy of your life, who is beating your 
heart and causing air to move in and out of your lungs without you giving it a second thought.

5. The more you focus your thoughts on your very real connection to the God of your understanding the more you begin noticing how easy your life is becoming and how problems begin disappearing from your life for no logical reason you can explain.

-- Frederick Zappone

Photo of the Ocean and Sunrise Courtesy of



If you have something that is troubling you that you need to discuss
in a non-judgmental atmosphere with complete confidentiality,
call me, I can help.  A thirty minute session is $30.00.  To begin
your  session, click on the buy now button.

After making your payment, click on the 'Return To Frederick Zappone'
button located on the  payment receipt page to begin your phone session with
me. All sessions conducted between the  hours of 7 AM and 7 PM EDST Monday
Thru Saturday.  First time callers receive a free  copy of my highly acclaimed
82 page Encouraging WORDS handbook. - Frederick Zappone



  1. > Hi Frederick!
    > Long time no see(on the net)
    > I knew, that this day will come, when i will see your fillers again.
    > Thank you very much for all the words of wisdom from you.
    > Some of those are posted on my wall to help me become more positive each and everyday of my life.

  2. Thanks Anonymous. I have tried many things, over the years to make my life run smoothly for me. I have noticed that no matter what positive self-help material I use, if I don't keep my connection to the 'God of my understanding' real in my life then nothing I read or do works for me.

  3. I needed to be reminded. Thank you.

  4. Hello Frederick, nice to hear from you, I just have one question, who do "you" see as your God?

  5. Thanks dear friend, I got the message! LOL

  6. Finally someone who knows what they're saying when they use the term "GOD"

    "the organizing intelligence of the universe"

    hope everything works out for Mr.Zappone

  7. Nice to see your words.

    Hope all is well with you.

    I believe what you wrote and felt


    Thanks so much, you are appreciated.
