

Do you work to be liked or to be rich?

If the work* you do, you do because you want to be liked, you will never become financially independent. Why? Because it is not how the law of attraction works.  

If the work you do, you do because you want people to like you, they will. Why? Because it was your 'intention' to be liked and the 'law of attraction' acted upon your intention and made it come true for you.  On the other hand, if your intention is to work to become rich, the law of attraction will act upon that intention and that is what will come true for you. 

Now here's a tricky part to this law of attraction equation. If you  believe people 'need' to like you in order for you to become financially successful, you will never achieve the financial success you want. Why is that, you ask?

Because, by your intention, you are  making other people responsible for your success by needing them to like you in order for you to succeed and no one wants the responsibility of another person's success placed on their shoulders. As a result, people may or may not like you but they will definitely not contribute to your financial success in numbers large enough to make it your reality.

* Work can be a job, a business of your own or a creative or artistic endeavor 


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