

I get rejected 99.99% of the time. (The Good things Rejection Taught me)

I get rejected 99.99% of the time in my line of work. 99.99% of the time people do not buy the self improvement products I have to offer or donate money in support of all the free knowledge and information I share with them on my blog. That is not a bad thing.  Let me explain. 

Rejection has made me more sensitive to other people's feelings and has made me care about other people more than I thought I could.  Rejection has softened my heart causing me to never reject an person for financial reasons who comes to me for help.  If I cannot help them personally, I try to point them in the direction of someone who can.  

I put my heart and soul into my blog, newsletters and self-help programs. I share what I have to  offer people people daily and daily I am rejected 99.99% of the time. I do not blame anyone for the amount of rejection I receive, especially I do not blame myself. I accept it as 'what is' in my 'present moments of living' and continue to move forward knowing that sooner or later instead of people rejecting my work, they will embrace it and benefit from my work immensely.

What drives me to continue on, in spite of all odds, is my unrelenting passion to share the best of myself with others. To share what I have learned that has gotten me successfully through the unexpected death of two of my children, two divorces, two bankruptcies to the other side. 

In spite of the rejection and the tragedy in my life,  I live a happy, healthy, prosperous life. That is possible because I do not take rejection personally like I did in the past. Today, I see rejection as re-direction to something better for me. And it always turns out to be so for me.


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1 comment:

  1. rejection is a good teacher but I learnt different lessons ..
