

The CURE for Self-Doubt

Self-doubt undermines self-worth. 
Self-doubt causes you to hate yourself.
Self-doubt makes you feel guilty
Self-doubt stops you from being you.
Self-doubt fucks everything. 


If you leave your doubts alone, they will leave you alone. If you mess with your doubts, they will mess you up real good.

If you have questions about becoming the master of your doubts rather than continuing to be a victim of them, post your questions in the comment section of this post and I will answer them for you.

Frederick Zappone


  1. How do I trust myself after making a mistake that is causing self-doubt in me going forward?

    1. Moldy, Thank you for posting your question.

      Trusting ourselves has nothing to with how.

      Trust is a choice we make.

      Choosing to trust ourselves. in spite of any mistake we made, builds confidence while choosing not to trust ourselves, weakens us. To begin trusting yourself again, you must forgive yourself for the mistake you made.

      Without self-forgiveness, it is impossible to trust ourselves again. If you have issues with forgiving yourself for the mistakes you made, you might want to join my Self-Forgiveness Facebook Group. Copy and paste this link into your browser window and it will take you to my self-forgiveness group.

      You might also want to read a article I wrote about trusting yourself. Here is the link to that article.

      If you have follow up questions about trusting yourself, feel free to ask them.

