When it comes to money, the most magical attitude to have is gratitude for the money you have and for the money you had... This attitude is your guarantee that you will never be without money and you will naturally and effortlessly attract more money.
To attract money unexpectedly the 'attitude of gratitude' is the attitude to have. It works for a number of reasons, the main reason being is that the 'attitude of gratitude' raises your 'attraction vibrations' higher and higher. And the higher your vibrations, the more money you will attract and the faster you will attract it.
Negative Attitudes About Money Pushes Money Away From You
Being ungrateful for the money you have (and had) drops down the level of your vibrations dramatically. If you keep being ungrateful for the money you have, you will disconnect yourself from the SOURCE of your money and end up having no money at all.
Some people call SOURCE God, other people call it the Universe. It doesn't matter what you call SOURCE as long as you realize that while money comes to you 'from and through' other people, they are not the SOURCE of your money. They are the channels through which SOURCE distributes to you the money you want..
Before I really grasped the importance of the 'attitude of gratitude' for the money I have (and the money I had), I went bankrupt twice. Since developing the attitude of gratitude in regards to money I have always had enough money.
Everything I know about having the right thoughts, beliefs and attitudes about money that actually attract money to folks I put into a little program I call the Money Program. If you want to have the most empowering and inspiring relationship you can possibly have with money, I recommending reading my page titled: You Were Born To Be Wealthy.
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