

GIVE your way to RICHES - How it works...

The anxious mind says, “I will give more when I have more,” but the reverse is true: When you give more, you will have more. When you give, you affirm that you trust the universe will support you as you support others.

Cohen, Alan. The Tao Made Easy (p. 64). Hay House. Kindle Edition.


People, for the most part, do not under the principle of giving as a way to secure the riches they want. The fact is there can be no riches without giving. Giving AFFIRMS you believe in unlimited abundance. In fact, giving is the only action you can take that will consistently create feelings of abundance inside of you. 

For proof regarding the 'giving principle' look to nature. She is constantly giving more to us in the form of more flowers, trees, animals, planets, stars and galaxies. Nature knows only abundance. The only place the idea of lack and scarcity lives is between the ears of human beings.

Question: So if giving is the way to get rich, what do I give? 

Answer: Look into your life and see what you have an abundance of to give. Everyone has an abundance of something to give. 

You could have an abundance of time, wisdom or ideas to give to others. In my case I have an abundance of insights to give to others that makes life EASY for folks. In giving what you have an abundance of to give, in return the Universe will give back to you in abundance  the love, fully restored health or money you want.


In order to receive money in abundance in return for you giving an abundance of your time, wisdom, ideas or support to other people you have to see money as a good thing and not an evil thing. Keep in mind as a spiritual person you can do more good in this world with money than you can without money.

If you have questions about the 'giving principle' post them in the comment section and I will answer them for you. 

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