

The Lazy Woman's (Man's) Way To Living the EASY life.

You have been conned into believing that life must be hard. You have been programmed to believe in the value of effort and struggle when 'effort and struggle' only leads to more effort and struggle.

How you think determines if life will be easy or hard for you. How you think determines if your life will be filled with problems or opportunities. How you think determines if you will be a victim or victorious in life.  

You are smarter and more powerful than you know and not nearly as weak or stupid as you might fear.  The only real mistake you ever made is allowing people to fill your mind with nonsense that has made life hard for you when it doesn't have to be hard for you at all.

If you want your future life to be different than your past life, you much change how you think.  If you don't change how you think, all you will ever do is 'recycle your past experiences' over and over again. 

This blog is contains over 4,000 articles guaranteed to make life easy for you. In addition, I have a staff of people ready to answer your questions, free of charge, to make sure the easy life becomes reality for you.

Frederick Zappone

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