

I Never Make my BODY wrong, Here's why.

As Dr. Bruce Lipton explains in his book titled: The Biology of Belief, the cells in your body are listening to your thoughts. 

Science has proven your brain translates your thoughts into chemical equivalents and then delivers those chemical (for better or worse) to ever major organ of your body by way of a messenger molecule.  This explains why people feel the way they do and it also explains why some people live to a ripe old age and never get sick.

The worst thing people do is to judge that there body is not good enough in some way.  In doing so they significantly contribute to the cells in their body making them sick... 

If you want to live a long, healthy, disease-free life, praise your body daily. Thank it for everything it allows you to do.  Love your body exactly as it is and your body will love you back. The more you love your body as it is, the more it will change to please your vision of it.  

Frederick Zappone

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