

How to go Beyond Your SELF-LOVE Limitations.

Many people write and tell me they can't love themselves any more than they are. They tell me they feel like they are bumping up against a wall. They say they hate themselves for not being able to do a better job at loving themselves. They tell me they feel like a  complete failure in regards to loving themselves. 

My response to them is that you are ALWAYS going to feel that way as long as you are loving yourself conditionally. 

Self-love is not about conditional love. Self-love is not about meeting some 'self-imposed' self-love standard we set for ourselves or  meeting the self-love standards someone else set for us.  

Self-love is unconditional love, it is about us giving up our conditions for loving ourselves and loving ourselves without conditions.

Self love is about ACCEPTING ourselves EXACTLY as we are moment to moment.  And when we can't do that, to forgive ourselves for not being able to accept ourselves exactly as we are.

Self-forgiveness is the foundation for everlasting self-love.  Without self-forgiveness, continuous expanding self-love is not possible.

For more self-forgiveness insights as it relates to self-love, click here

HEY FOLKS, If you appreciate the insights and wisdom I share with you on Facebook and on my blog in regards to self-love and self-forgiveness and would like to to send some appreciation back my way, click here  

- Frederick Zappone

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