

Since 1998 I have Trusted SOURCE For My Money

Since 1998 I have trusted SOURCE (the power that lives in me) for my money. I never know where my money is coming from or when it will arrive but it always does and on time.  I can give you a thousand different example from my own life. Today, I will give you one specific example that happened to me last week. 

The amount of money I needed was exactly $500.00.  I had no idea when or through whom the money would come to me when, out of the blue, I received this in my email (see below). This is from a man I haven't talked too in over two years, who doesn't read my blog and knew nothing about the change in my financial life.

When you have FAITH (confidence) that the Universe will financially provide for you, it always does... And it does so on-time and without fail. I have over twenty years worth of experiences to back up my claim.  My part is doing what I love which is serving people by sharing with them knowledge and insights about life that makes life easy for people. - Frederick Zappone

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