

Good Morning SUNSHINE 😎 - Morning Inspiration

To be truthful I don't always wake up in a great mood but before I am fully awake I am in an AWESOME mood. That doesn't happen by accident.  I make it a point to get my FOCUS and ATTENTION only on those things that make my heart soar.

I'll let you in on a secret. I never focus on my problems or things I know that could make me unhappy. 

By NEVER focusing on my problems or things that can make me unhappy they disappear from my life, like magic.  You see when you focus on your problems, you make them persist but when you focus on what makes you feel good to be you, you are no longer feeding your problems your energy. With no energy feeding your problems they have no choice but to collapse and disappear from your life, like magic.

Related Reading

Never FOCUS on Your Problem's. Here is Why?

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