

Negative thoughts and feelings are the 'RAW MATERIALS' out of which you create an AWESOME LIFE for you. 🌝

 Don't fear your negative thoughts and feelings, embrace them.  If you do that, they will reveal great 'life truths' to you.  

The only thing that makes 'negative thoughts and feelings' a bad thing is the STUPID person who taught you they were bad things in the first place. Whoever taught you they were bad things LIED to you.  

Negative thoughts and feelings are benevolent teachers in disguise who have come to teach you great 'life truths' that will set you free to create an amazing life for yourself.  I will give you two examples. 

I was brought up to believe' anger and depression' were bad things. And because I never questioned what people told me about anger and depression I became afraid of those feelings. As a result of being afraid of those feelings, those feelings got stronger and more intense in my life. Instead of me being the master of my  feelings of anger and depression, I ended up becoming the victim of them. 

I listened to the advice the 'so called' experts had to say about my anger and depression. The result of listening to those 'quacks' is that my anger and depression got worse and worse until I became downright suicidal.. 

Being the stubborn person I am, I raged on the inside at all the advice I was given that didn't work for me. I made up my mind I would find the answers myself or die trying. I found the answers.

Anger ALERTS us when our sense of justice has been violated. 

Depression tells us when we are suppressing ourselves, squashing ourselves. Depression lets us know we are suppressing our thoughts and feelings rather than fully expressing them. Depression alerts us that we are stopping ourselves from showing up in the world as the magnificent, powerful, brilliant people we truly are.

 Frederick Zappone

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