

The ULTIMATE WAY to Deal With What You Don't Like

The 'ultimate way' to deal with what you don't like is to surrender to it.  I am not talking about surrender as in defeat. I am talking about surrender as in 'GIVING UP,' or the letting go of anything you don't like. That includes letting go of pain in the body, unwanted thoughts and feelings along with people who make life miserable for you.  

Resistance makes unwanted things persist in our lives. Surrender eliminates resistance from our life which then ALLOWS those things we don't like the freedom to leave our life.

As long as you are thinking about or focusing on something you don't like in your life, it will persist. Surrender or the releasing of it will make whatever it is you don't want in your life to go POOF like magic. 

Surrendering to unwanted things is the EASIEST thing in the world to do but the ego (otherwise known as the fearful part of you) will resist surrendering with all of its might. Why? Because if you  embrace what you fear, your ego (that is motivated by fear) will cease to exist. In place of your ego, you will experience a  peaceful state of mind and the POWER to fully be yourself with all people and in all situations.

Frederick Zappone

  Your donations in support of my inspirational writing are gratefully appreciated.

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